Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Assignment 5: Notebook Design.

In this assignment, we're supposed to design the exterior and the interior of a laptop, in line with the HP & MTV Global Design Competition.

The theme that I've chosen is PEACE.
This was a timely theme because of the recent situation in Myanmar, and the prolonged-until-forever war in Iraq.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The main idea of this design is to portray the stark difference between people who war (as represented by a man), and people who love (as represented by a girl). It does seem sexist to do such distinction, but categorizing men as people who war is not my intention. It is just that the concept of war and fighting and dominating is more associated with male figures, and if I have to choose between a male and a female, I would more likely associate the male with war, and the female with love. I repeat, this is not a sexist act.

As you can see from the design, people who war experience bloodshed, and these blood shed are mixed with tears. They fuse together into a puddle. The presence of a gun represents weapons and killing. People who love are associated with nature, with doves which symbolizes peace, and with a rainbow which is colorful and full of life.

Contrasting war and love:
war(i): a Venus Flytrap with roots in-grown into the man's head, suggesting the man is under someone or something else's control.
love(i): a potted plant of hearts. Hearts symbolize love, and the plant being potted symbolizes civilization.

war(ii): a black heart.
love(ii): a red heart.

war(iii): flooded with blood and tears.
love(iii): a land of greenery. Because peace is associated with nature, and flourishing plants, whereas war is associated with destruction and bloodshed.

Lastly, "Make Love Not War" is a slogan I've chosen for this theme. It is concise and clear in its message of peace.

The design of the exterior has MANY details, and seems to lack a focus. My reasoning for this is that a laptop design is different from a poster design. A poster should capture the audience's attention immediately, and direct them through a reading path. However, a laptop does not need to capture the user's attention immediately. A laptop is a daily necessity, and the user will face it everyday. The bigger challenge i feel would then be "How to retain the user's interest and not let him/her get bored with the design?"

So my solution for this challenge would be to make the exterior of the laptop a blast of bright colors and exquisite details.

The interior is consistent with the exterior in the color scheme, and the repetition of the clouds, the grass, the tree, the plants, and the slogan "Make Love Not War" which reiterates the theme of peace in a clear and concise way.

That's all. I guess I can go on and on forever about this design. Well, I love it, and I hope you do. :)

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