Sunday, February 17, 2008

Assignment TWO: Just Another Day.

Design of a simple webpage.
Theme: Create a web based visual narrative of any simple daily/weekend activity/event.

For this assignment, i chose to spend one day at Far East Plaza.

Far East Plaza is unique in that it is a heartland-ish shopping center right smack in the middle of Orchard Road. Many youngsters go there to look for fashionable yet affordable apparels, and at the same time, some middle-aged people and even the elderly can be seen hanging around there. There is a special mix of retro and fashion; of the young and the old.

I wanted to capture this unique characteristic of Far East Plaza, and at the same time present a feel of a slow-paced day. Just randomly walking around this building, taking photos of small, usually unnoticed things.

Because of the assignment requirement, that the whole webpage cannot be bigger than 180kb, i had to look for simple objects, with fewer colors and lesser details. It was quite difficult cuz i am attracted by bright colors and fine details.

Here are the photos.

Welcome. As an introduction.

In his own world.
This boy was seen playing his hand-held game alone on a short ladder while his mum is busy shopping.


Top-view of me walking.

The price tag of a tee-shirt.

Pretty chandelier.

Lunch break.

"This shop is for customers only. Non-customers are not allowed to sit here."

Toto? Or is it 4-D? I don't gamble.

Tattoo. There are quite a few tattoo services there.


Escalator downwards. As a closure/ending.

Feedback: The class didn't get the second photo until i explained. I guess that photo needs some explanation. One suggestion was the walking photo would be better if the floor was in greater contrast to my shoes. Yea, i can work on that. :)

Tadah. So you've seen my photos.
Any comments?
Pls do feedback ya?

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